The use of technology in our lives has been gaining momentum over the last few years, from the introduction of driverless cars to the ability to control your heating from your phone and even augmented reality. These have all been introduced to make consumer lives easier, and at Eclipse we are no different.

Consumers thrive off the latest gadget and exciting innovative product, so why not make blinds a staple product at the forefront of the room? Motorised blinds are gaining popularity, and with that we welcome the most up-to-date Powershade system ever. Powershade Roller is back with a wider range of motors and power options available.

Affordable and luxurious, this motorised system is operated at the simple touch of a button, complete with quiet and smooth operation.

EXPANDED Powershade Roller

The Powershade Roller system can be tailored to suit the needs of each customer, with a single channel or multi-channel remote and grouping options available to control several blinds at one time.

Expanding on our previous system, Powershade Roller is now available to use alongside any industry standard 32mm slotted tube, preventing the need to double stock.

Eclipse’s Powershade Roller motorisation has 3 different power options;

1. Rechargeable – making it easy to plug in and charge when required. Expected battery life of up to 6 months

2. External battery – Simply replace or recharge 8 x AA batteries when battery life expires. Expected battery life of up to 5 months

3. Alternating Current – No need for recharging or replacing batteries and allows the maximum weight of the blind to reach 6kg!

The motor is contained discreetly within the blind to maintain the stylish appearance, and is available in a sleek dark grey tone.

Child Safe by Design, Powershade Roller has eliminated any potentially hazardous chains or cords giving you complete peace of mind.

EXPANDED Powershade Roller

Powershade Roller can be used alongside any of the stylish fabrics in the Style Studio Mirage and Roller Collections. Complete the look with one of our co-ordinating Senses headrail, bottomrail and endcap options, giving your customer a sophisticated and personalised finish to their blind.

For more information, please contact your Area Sales Manager.

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